Guangzhou Yescome Garment Co., Ltd.
المنتجات الرئيسيةفستان نسائي ، بلوزات نسائية ، جينز نسائي ، جمبسوت نسائي ، أطقم نسائية





Yescome is an independent, lady-owned, garment manufacturer in Guangzhou, China.

As a full-scale factory, we provide a range of services from patternmaking and sourcing to sample construction and full-line production.

Our company is a professional clothing manufacturer and wholesaler There are 200 different styles within a week, and 20,000 pieces can be produced per day. It is close to the largest fabric market in the world.

Our designers have the ability to purchase the latest fabrics. And accessories to create styles.

We can make a variety of styles according to any fabric, fashion or format you require,

including: Women dress, tops&blouse, woven jeans, women bikinisand anything else you may want.

نمط عصري
Nov. (11) عناصر جديدة
مسلم اللباس
النساء الجينز
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